About HomeBound
Homebound Baltimore was founded in 2014 with the sole purpose of providing assistance to those experiencing homelessness. With HomeBound Baltimore, we want to support our brothers and sisters who are currently homeless on their journey to becoming 'Home Bound'. As part of our efforts to serve the community, we hold clothing drives, toy drives, pizza parties, and distribute Blessing Bags (Hygiene kits) to those who are homeless in the community.
Through our work in the community, we have fed, clothed and provided blessing bags for over 800 people! We are passionate about lending a hand to our fellow brothers and sisters and we believe that it is our purpose to give back. We believe that we must past the blessings on to others to assist them on their journey of life.
Vision: We envision a world where people who have previously experienced homelessness are confident, self-sufficient, and living on their own terms.
Mission: To reduce the shame around homelessness and increase personal agency by providing basic needs support.
"I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."
Maya Angelou